Faithful Stewards of Gethsemane
What is a Faithful Steward at Gethsemane?
The faithful steward is someone who is doing the best they can with the gifts that God has given them. The Lord calls us to be faithful stewards in everything we do. This is why it is so important, among many things, to honor God with our time, talents, money, health, and relationships.
One of the many ways you can be a Faithful Steward here at Gethsemane is helping create a welcoming environment at our Sunday morning services.
Worship Participation opportunities:
This involves singing our call to worship. After you are done, you would be able to return to your seat. Pastor Assigns the Sunday. Pastor Laurie O'Shea (Contact) set up the rotation
Communion Assistant:
As a Communion Assistant you are distributing the Eucharist to the congregation of Gethsemane Lutheran Church. Lynda Peterson (320-262-1562) sets up the rotation. Faithful Steward Description
You will general by asked to read the lesson(s) from the Old Testament, Psalms, or Epistles. This will be sent to you during the week before you are serving as Lector. If you notice any difficult words, please consult a Bible Dictionary or feel free to call Pastor. Laurie Franscois (Email) sets up the rotation.
As an usher, your role is to facilitate persons as they enter, receive communion and leave a service. Judy Gudmundson (320-286-2381) sets up the rotation. Faithful Steward Description