150th Anniversary
Kick Off event
February 12th 2023
Steelesville Honor & Remembrance service
Saturday, Setember 23rd
4:00 pm, 21112 728th Ave. Dassel
Service of remembrance and honor of the church’s early members and historical roots on the grounds of a forerunner of today’s Gethsemane Lutheran Church.
Friday, September 22nd, 2023
6 pm – Catered Swedish meatball dinner in the basement.
7 pm – “Witnesses” performed in the sanctuary. This one-man play features professional actor and ordained minister Jonathan Swenson, who portrays eight different characters as each respond to Jesus. Through the eyes of these characters, the audience is challenged to see Jesus as one who is intimately involved in the “nitty-gritty” of life.
8pm – Discussion and dessert in basement.
Potluck at Carla & Allan Johnson's
Saturday, September 23rd
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
686844 205th Street, Darwin
Relax and enjoy with a potluck, bonfire, music and lawn games graciously hosted by Carla and Allen Johnson. Bring “a dish to pass” and chairs if you are able as we socialize, reflect on the day, and prepare for the morrow.
Swan Lake Cemetery Bell Dedication & Ice Cream social
Saturday, September 23rd
1:30 pm Dedication service, followed by an old-fashioned ice cream social.
70647 280th street, Dassel
Special 150th Worship Service
Sunday, September 24th
9:00 am: Video of Feb 12th Kick off service
10:30 am Celebration Service (The service will be available on Facebook and YouTube)
12:00 pm All Congregation Photo
Meal following photo shoot