Business Management Committee
Business Management works together to prepare and submit to the church council an annual budget to the congregation. Overseeing all the financial affairs of the congregation, giving prompt attention to the payment of all obligations and to the remitting of support to the Synodical treasurer. Provides monthly congregational update on financial condition of the congregation through the newsletters, letters and temple talks as needed. Works together to oversee the process by which funds are counted and deposited. Appoints Financial Stewards who pick up the morning offerings and those who count the offerings on Monday morning to prepare for deposit.
Make recommendations to the Church Council for the financial support of the synod and church wide ministries of the ELCA. Business Management Committee reviews and evaluates annually insurance policies and makes necessary recommendations for updates and changes to the church council. We invite those with a love of numbers, budgets, and comparisons to consider going our team efforts for the overall financial function and aspects of the congregation.
Council Liaison: Dale Grochow,